Lion flock eating elephant baby carcass under a bush


These lions inhabit the semi-arid Samburu region, deviating from their typical grassland habitat to prey on animals that venture to the Ewaso Ng’iro River for water. This particular pride had successfully hunted a young elephant and gorged themselves to near immobility. The aftermath of their feast left some lions lying still, breathing heavily, their swollen bellies preventing movement.

In a rare occurrence, lions in Africa have been documented hunting and consuming elephant calves. This unusual behavior was recently captured on film by a safari guide in Kenya’s semi desert Samburu region. The guide witnessed a lioness stalking and killing a young elephant, carrying it away to consume before being joined by other members of her pride.

Such predatory behavior, though uncommon, highlights the adaptability of lions and their opportunistic nature when presented with vulnerable prey. It’s speculated that the young elephant’s relative weakness compared to an adult made it a more appealing target for the hungry pride.