A fat cat
A really fat cat. Temporary obesity as the stomach is so full that this greedy lion is unable to move.
A really fat cat. Temporary obesity as the stomach is so full that this greedy lion is unable to move.
BW image of the semi arid Samburu that receives very little annual rainfall. A hostile place to survive.
While observing lions or other families of carnivores you will occasionally see serious gluttony that incapacitates individual animals. They will lie on the ground with heavy breathing looking literally quite ill. The reason is a big kill and the following eating party. The picture above is a Samburu lion, look at the bloated stomach. It could literally not move.
A extremely thin lion walking in the baking sun. Impression from Samburu
Two hooded vultures sitting high behind a clear blue sky in Samburu
Near the Ewaso Ngiro river, two riticulated zebras grazing in the afternoon sun.
Samburu on a warm late afternoon with the sun slowly retracting behind the horizon. A lone elephant wandering over the dry landscape in semi arid Samburu.
Scarred and battle hardened lion in Samburu National Park. A look at the face and it is obvious that this guy has been at the receiving end of quite a few sharp claws.
The Ewaso Ng’iro shows the calm and tranquil personalty during the dry season. The river can look quite different when the rainy season feeds the river with massive amount of water and it sweeps everything away. Some doum palms is also visible in the picture.
Gerenuk portrait in the very dry and barren Samburu National Park
African harrier-hawk traversing the old dead tree for insects hiding in nooks and holes.
Ostrich dusting of the feathers in the rough and arid bush landscape of Samburu
Genet coming out as the sun has settled behind the horizon and darkness has crept in around the trees and bushes.
A deserted road in Samburu National Park with mountains and bush land in the far distance.
Gerenuk with a small calf breastfeeding. This elegant and beautiful gazelle is found in dry and thorny bush and semi desert. Gerenuks are slender with relatively small head for their body size. Their eyes and ears makes them looks like they are proportionally too large. When standing erect on their rear legs and stretching their elongated necks they can reach higher branches and twigs than other gazelles.
Traditional Samburu housing. Branches for the walls and mud sculpted roof with thick thorn bushes around for protection against wild animals.