Lion flock eating elephant baby carcass under a bush

The lions of Kenya’s Samburu region are renowned for their unique behavior. Though typically inhabitants of the savanna, these lions have become masters of the semi-arid landscape, strategically ambushing prey drawn to the life-sustaining waters of the Ewaso Ng’iro River. The pride of lions brought down a young elephant. This remarkable hunt culminated in a feast that left the lions sluggish, with extended bellies visibly hindering their movement. Some lay completely still, with heavy breathing.

This extraordinary event further demonstrates that lions in Africa, driven by necessity or opportunity, will occasionally prey on elephant calves. While rarely observed, this behavior underscores the adaptability and formidable hunting prowess of these predators. It’s likely that the young elephant’s vulnerability, compared to a fully grown adult, made it a more enticing target for the hungry pride, highlighting the opportunistic nature of lions in this challenging environment.