Lion flock out on the hunt for pray

“A pride of lions emerges from the shadows as dawn breaks over the Mara River, bathing them in a golden glow. With their sharp eyes searching the savanna for a precarious meal, these magnificent predators are on the hunt. Lions are masters of strategy and stealth, but they are not the fastest of hunters. Frequently, they patiently watch the movements of their prey while lying in wait, hidden behind a bush or in the tall grass. Waterholes, zebra trails, and wildebeest migration routes are all excellent places to hunt. A lion will take advantage of any chance, even if it means enduring the midday sun to make a kill, even though they are most active during the cool hours of dawn and dusk. The essence of life and death in the African wilderness is encapsulated in this serene morning scene in Kenya’s Masai Mara.